December 2024
December 2024
This is me as of writing this webpage. I've been pretty productive this month. A lot of changes going on. New job, working less hours, focusing on new projects like this website and some of the music videos I've been making. I feel like this time is a great way to wrap up the year. This month, although somewhat scary finacially, has been the funnest, most creatively rewarding month this year. Got to see New Misphoria again! Really loving my new job and the freedom I've been having. Granted, money is tighter, but I'm really enjoying things. Had a good talk with Sam too about everything. Feeling better as the new year rolls forward.
20241214 New Misphoria @ There Space

20241216 The Stu

November 2024
November 2024
I quit my job. I was tired of being led on. My boss told me I was promoting way back in like, June I believe, but I never did. One day he was pissed off about labor and sales and whatnot. He was also pissed because another manager wasn't there (but that manager worked until like 2am and had to come back at 6am). He sort of took his anger out on me, blowing up my phone about every little thing in the store. 2 days later, he pulls me into the office and shows me footage of an employee making their own food (no gloves) and ringing herself up (with change she got from the drive-thru window, like actual drive-thru pavement outside). He made me write an apology letter to the higher up "area manager". That's what made me quit.
October 2024
October 2024
In October, Matt and I went to Viva Pheonix. It was pretty awesome. Lots of cool acts! Saw Crumb, Freddie Gibbs (didn't know him until the show, he was cool), Mick Jenkins (didn't know him either, but I liked Mick more), Inner Wave, some punk band playing inside a Masonic lodge with a guiarist that looked like a 12 year old. When we were listening to Inner Wave, I was super high and paranoid that the old dude next to me was some type of cop or FBI agent or some shit. He was boogieing down and for some reason it put me off. I don't really know what I was paraniod about, I just was. Weird.
September 2024
September 2024
Sam and I went to a zine fest at the Nile Underground. We saw lots of cool artists. The There Space people were there doing free prints. All the clothes they had were womens clothes, and I didn't bring my own shirt, so I passed. We bought the artwork of Jacob Newman.
Jacob Newman 2024

We also bought some cool zines. For some reason they still made us wear masks, which I thought was a little silly. This month was for the most part, pretty chill. Hanging out with Matt more, working a lot, Sam doing school and working hard.
August 2024
August 2024
Released a single this month. Worked, went to the thrift stores with Sam and Matt. Nothing too crazy or eventful. Dyed my hair, recorded and wrote some tunes. Good times.
Sam says: actually very crazy and eventful. I quit my job and the car broke down again! I had to pay these guys 2000 dollars for a new rack and pinion installation. Pretty crazy. Also I finally moved in with Jules! Besties for lyfers!
July 2024
July 2024
Adjusting to the new store. Thinking back on it, I remember just being super quiet and not wanting to say too much to anyone, but at the same time wanting to make some friends. I would crack jokes, some would land, some wouldn't. Most people thought I was a little weird, but that's normal. I missed my old co-workers.
June 2024
June 2024
Got news that the store was closing down. It came out of nowhere. There was a meeting, and they said the store would be closing at the end of the month. It was kind of a shocker, but also a huge relief. Sam and I were getting tired of our jobs and the people we worked with. We went to a different store than everyone else. It sucked saying goodbye to some of my good co-workers though. I also released Beautiful Summer this month!
May 2024
May 2024
We went to Pine, AZ and hiked Water Wheel. It's so peaceful up there. When we went, there were a lot of families, which makes the experience better for me. All these people going up north for a day. It's nice. When the weather is right, and if you go off the path a litte, or manage to isolate yourself a little, nothing can beat it. I love Water Wheel Falls. Very beautiful.
20240518 Jules

20240518 Sam

20240518 Cafe in Payson, AZ

20240518 AZ

20240518 Water Wheel Falls

April 2024
April 2024
Turned 20 years young. Worked. Made some promo material for I LOVE BASS PROSHOP and pretty much chilled out. Worked on music, etc.
20240404 Jules at the cowboy store

20240409 cursed Toby

March 2024
March 2024
Was forming the band Field Trip (Matt, Ashton, and Jo) and jamming a lot. We ended up not really doing anything. We wrote some cool tunes, but nothing ever materialized into a solid finished piece. Here's some of those demos:
Days We're Apart
Morning After
Sam and I also took a little trip to Tuscon! Saw some of the Sonoran desert, like a cooler part I guess lol. It was fun, I remember we went to a cool breakfast spot.
Febuary 2024
Febuary 2024
Saw New Misphoria this month (they're the best). Ashton worked at Whataburger with me for this month also, I totally forgot about that until looking back at pictures for this! It's crazy too, looking back. Everything was so bare bones. I barely had anything on the walls, barely furniture, barely a stu! I've come a long way...
20240224 New Misphoria shooting their music video

20240219 Ashton

20240219 The Stu

January 2024
Went to the aquarium this month! Sam was really excited about it, but I remember being indifferent with it. I remember we were both a little frustrated with the price, but we got some good pictures out of it. We got to pet some stringreys too.
20240120 Aquarium 1

20240120 Aquarium 2

20240120 Aquarium 3

20240120 Aquarium 4

(c) julian hernandez 2024